Frymaster H14 Series User Manual

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Operating the Computer on Split-Vat Fryers 
1.  Turn ON the cooking computer by pressing the ON/OFF switches 
.  Pressing the left switch 
turns on the left side of the computer; pressing the right switch turns on the right side.  A product 
name (for example, 
FR FRIES) will appear in the LED display corresponding to the switch 
2.  If the frypot temperature is below 180
°F (82°C), the computer will automatically enter a warm-up 
cycle (often called a melt cycle).  The heating elements will cycle on and off repeatedly, allowing 
the vegetable oil to heat gradually, without scorching.  During the warm-up cycle, the heating 
mode indicator   will alternately illuminate and go out as the elements cycle on and off.  Within 
45 minutes, the computer will exit the warm-up cycle and the heat mode indicator   will remain 
continuously illuminated. 
3.  Select the product to be cooked by pressing the left or right product selection switches 
depending upon the vat in which you wish to cook.   
4.  Once the frypot temperature is above 180
°F (82°C), but still 15°F (8°C) or more below the 
setpoint temperature for the product displayed (for example, french fries), the computer will 
alternately display 
LOW TEMP and FR FRIES, and the heating mode indicator   will remain 
continuously illuminated. 
5.  The cooking cycle cannot be started until the cooking oil is within 
±15°F (8°C) of the 
programmed setpoint.  When the frypot temperature is within 
±15°F (8°C) of the programmed 
setpoint, the product name will be displayed continuously, indicating that the fryer is ready to 
cook the displayed product. 
Viewing the Frypot Temperature (Actual or Setpoint) 
To display the actual frypot temperature, press the temperature check switch 
 once. To display the 
setpoint temperature, press the switch twice. 
Cooking Product (Full-Vat or Split-Vat) 
1.  Fill basket(s) with product, lower the basket into the vegetable oil, then press the cook switch (
) that corresponds to the full- or split-vat to be used.  This will activate the cooking cycle of 
the product. 
Example 1:  In a full-vat fryer, press cook switch 
 when the first basket of twin baskets of fries 
is dropped.  Halfway through the first cooking cycle, drop the second basket and press cook 
Example 2: The M-100B is programmed to cook Crispy Chicken (
CSPY) and Chicken 
McNuggets (
NUG) in the same side of a split-vat arrangement.  Cook switch 
 corresponds to 
Crispy Chicken, and cook switch 
 corresponds to Chicken McNuggets. 
2.  The display will show the number of minutes and seconds of cooking time remaining.