Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Standard, CAL, OLP-NL 359-05037 User Manual

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Run your most mission-critical 
applications on a secure, 
reliable, and scalable platform.
Reduce the cost of managing your 
data infrastructure, while streamlining 
development of applications.
Drive business intelligence throughout 
your organization, manage reports and 
analyses of any size or complexity, and 
deliver insights to every user.
Your Data, Any Place, Any Time.
Microsoft Data Platform Vision
A variety of factors are converging to create an information storage 
explosion. Enabled by new types of information, such as digitization of 
images and video, and sensor information from RFID tags, the amount 
of digital information within an organization is mushrooming. Growing 
regulatory compliance and globalization require that information be 
stored securely and available at all times. At the same time, the cost 
of disk storage has dramatically decreased, enabling organizations to 
store more data per dollar invested. Users must quickly sift through 
mountains of data to find relevant information. Furthermore, they want 
to use this information on any device and with the programs that they 
use every day, such as Microsoft Office System applications. Managing 
this data explosion and the increase in user expectations creates 
numerous challenges for the enterprise.
The Microsoft
 Data Platform meets these needs by providing a 
solution that organizations can use to store and manage many types of 
data, including XML, e-mail, time/calendar, file, document, geospatial, 
and more, while providing a rich set of services to interact with the 
data: search, query, data analysis, reporting, data integration, and 
robust synchronization. Users can access information from creation to 
archiving on any device, from a server to a desktop or mobile device.
SQL Server 2008 Delivers on the Vision