Midland Radio 9001Z User Manual

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Installation Cont...
Power Wiring (negative ground only)
Step 1: If you have not determined whether your vehicle has a   
 negative or positive ground, do so now. Then disconnect 
     the negative lead from the battery to prevent short
     circuits that can occur during wiring. Do not connect this       
 transceiver to positive ground electrical systems.
Step 2: With negative ground:
          A. Connect the positive (RED WIRE) the one with  
            in-line fuse holder to either the
( a ) fuse block
( b ) cigarette lighter or
( c ) directly to the positive post on your battery.
     Usually, the fuse block is the most convenient connecting    
 point. It is also possible to connect to the accessory 
     terminal on the fuse block or ignition switch, so that your    
 CB automatically goes off when the ignition goes off.
            B. Then tightly connect the ground (BLACK WIRE)    
           directly to the vehicle’s metal frame.  A good direct 
               metal-to-metal ground is essential for optimum      
Mounting the Main Unit
Step 1: Loosen the retaining knobs on each side of the 
     mounting bracket to give enough space for the unit to slide    
 between the two bracket arms.
Step 2: Position the main unit between the bracket arms in     
 line with the retaining knobs. Set the height and angle for  
 optimum operating comfort and accessibility.
Step 3: Tighten the retaining knobs.
Installation of Microphone Hanger
   Mounting holes are provided on the microphone hanger bracket.    
 The bracket can be attached to the vehicle dash or other 
     convenient location.
CB Antenna
How to Select, Position, Install and Tune the Right 
One for You
    Basically, you may choose from two types of mobile CB       
    antennas - full-length whip and loaded whip - and a 
variety of mounts (depending on where you locate your 
antenna). Midland markets a line of high-performance 
antennas. Visit our website at www.midlandradio. com 
to check out the selection.
Where You Locate your Antenna Does Make a 
   Some general rules for antenna location that can aid CB 
   1. Put your mount as high on the vehicle as possible.
      The higher the proportion of antenna length that is      
  above the roof, the better.
   2. If possible, mount the antenna in the center of whatever   
   surface you choose.
   3. Keep antenna cables away from noise sources such as  
  the ignition system, gauges, etc.
   4. Make sure you have a solid metal-to-metal ground.
   5. Exercise care to prevent cable damage.
   Essentially, you have five location choices: the roof, gutter, 
rear deck, front cowl or rear bumper. Where you decide 
to locate your antenna will determine the type of antenna
Antenna Installation:
  Follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions carefully.
  -Warning:  Never operate your CB radio without 
    attaching an antenna or with a broken antenna cable. This 
will result in damage to transmitter circuitry.
  -Safety notice:  The antenna used for this radio must be 
installed to provide a separation distance of at least 
cm (
14 in.) from all persons and must not be collocated
    or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or 
Tuning your Antenna
    Some antennas are factory tuned. However, performance 
can usually be improved by slightly lengthening or shorte-
ning its length, using a Standing Wave Radio (SWR) meter.
    For the exact procedures to be used refer to the antenna 
manufacturer’s installation manual.