AMD 100-505563 Leaflet

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AMD FireStream 9250
Second generation 
Stream Computing GPU from AMD 
Highest performance
GPU compute engine available today
©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, AMD Opteron, and combinations thereof are trademarks 
of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.
AMD Stream SDK leverages open source technology and 
software technology partners to provide a robust, open, 
multi-layer development environment on 32/64 bit Linux and 
32/64 bit Windows.
Developers can begin with Brook+, an AMD-enhanced and 
supported implementation of Brook, the popular open-source 
C-level language and compiler. Math functions can be 
implemented using a new release of AMD Core Math Library for 
the GPU (ACML-GPU). Tools like GPU Shader Analyzer and 
AMD Code Analyst help identify and correct performance issues.
AMD’s Compute Abstraction Layer (CAL) provides low level 
access to the GPU for development and performance tuning. 
AMD’s open systems approach allows developers access to all 
key APIs and specifications, enabling performance tuning at the 
lowest level and development of third party tools.
AMD Stream SDK supports 32/64-bit RHEL 5.1 and 32/64-bit 
SUSE 10 SP1 as well as 32/64-bit Windows XP.
AMD Stream SDK
An open systems approach
Financial Analytics
Increase Black-Scholes speed-to-results through the highly parallel 
architecture of the Stream process
Energy, Oil and Gas
Seismic analysis on larger or more granular geographies to quickly 
identify regions of high discovery probability
Life Sciences
Protein folding, sequencing and alignment investigations, combinatorial 
chemistry, Hidden Markov Models and more are ideal problems for 
the highly parallel Stream Computing architecture
Computer Aided Engineering (CFD, FEA, etc.)
Faster results with existing model DoF or higher number of variables 
(finer mesh) within existing calculation time frames
High definition video and gaming benefit from the integration of      
GPU and CPU from AMD
Industries and Applications
*Single precision
Imagery courtesy of ScienceGL
AMD System Solutions
HP reliability and AMD Opteron
performance combine in a 2U server for 
simplified management and powerful computing.
Delivering extreme performance for massive 
compute and visual capacity.
• Double precision floating point in hardware
• 1GB GDDR3 memory
• Compact single slot form factor
• Under 150 watts