HP StorageWorks MSA2324i AJ802A Leaflet

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Compudyne is also the area’s exclusive provider of 
EDGE Pro, a comprehensive remote IT service that 
helps clients monitor and proactively manage and 
maintain their hardware infrastructure. The monthly 
service provides user help desk support, network 
administration, proactive monitoring, disaster recovery, 
and consulting—making these services cost-efficient for 
clients who could otherwise not easily afford them.
As Compudyne’s client base grew, the company 
recognized that it took too much time to get new 
clients up and running, and adding additional 
physical storage was not an option due to  
space constraints. 
The IT team at Compudyne, a longtime HP partner, 
understood the benefits of server virtualization 
and selected HP ProLiant DL380 G6 Servers as 
virtualization hosts. The IT team wanted to reduce 
space, power, and cooling requirements.
Virtual simplicity
Using Microsoft Hyper-V for virtualization, Compudyne 
consolidated and virtualized 40 servers to run as 
virtual machines (VMs) on two HP ProLiant DL380  
G6 Servers. 
In this virtualized environment, clients are up and 
running faster. According to Simonson, “Setting up 
a VM for a new client takes only minutes, whereas 
before, we had to deploy a new physical server for 
them and that could take hours.”
Before virtualizing on HP servers, Compudyne had 
nearly 50 servers running and consuming resources. 
Now they have only two. By consolidating resources, 
Compudyne has also been able to repurpose and 
utilize servers for its increasing customer base.
“Eliminating ninety percent of our physical servers,” 
according to Simonson, “was cost-effective for us in 
terms of physical space and heating and cooling. 
With the virtual platform, it offers us a simpler way to 
quickly deliver, for instance, a small business server to 
a five-user network.” 
Before moving to the ProLiant DL380 Servers and 
virtualization, many tasks were laborious and 
consumed precious time that the IT staff could be 
spending on client issues. Performance testing required 
a four-step process that took an average of five hours 
and ended with the tester having to reload the server. 
Now, with the ProLiant DL380 G6 and virtualization, 
performance testing is a two-step process that 
averages an hour, and when it is completed, the test 
VM is deleted. 
For a company managing a minimum of 10 terabytes 
of client data, every minute counts. “It’s just a lot 
simpler,” states Simonson. “It’s so much easier just to 
fire up a machine to perform some testing whereas 
before, you’d have to kind of weigh your options— 
is it really worth all the time to build this machine  
and test it?” 
Says Simonson, “Now we’re more geared to dedicate 
a VM to an application versus before, when we would 
load up the servers with as many applications as 
we could so we would have some cost-effectiveness. 
Virtualization has opened up a lot of flexibility to us 
for maintenance.”
25% improvement in IT productivity
Compudyne is already seeing staff productivity gains 
as a benefit of virtualization on the ProLiant DL380 
G6 Servers. According to Simonson, “we are usually 
most productive when we are at our desks. When you 
have to get up and drive to a client’s site or walk over 
to the data center it takes time. Now, we just copy 
a server template over and fire it up and it’s going, 
versus having to take apart a physical server and 
load it and update drivers and firmware. Our day-to 
day productivity has improved at least 25%. It has 
absolutely helped free up resources for more valuable 
tasks, and we have more time to perform proactive 
maintenance versus reactive maintenance.”
“The HP DL380 G6s are treating us 
just great. It helps those of us who are 
responsible for cleaning things up in the 
event of a disaster to sleep a little more 
soundly at night.”
Dustin Simonson, infrastructure and 
design consultant, Compudyne