Breedlove bj350 User Guide

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Congratulations on choosing your new Breedlove instrument. To preserve 
the remarkable tone and playability of your Breedlove, we have some simple 
suggestions that will help your instrument last a lifetime. Over 200 years 
of combined expertise at Breedlove and extensive industry knowledge has 
contributed to the recommendations found in this guide. 
Humidity, Temperature, and Solid Wood Instruments
As with any high quality solid wood instrument, humidity and temperature 
are very important factors affecting the health and well-being of your guitar 
or mandolin. Humidity and temperature are easily monitored and regulated 
with the right accessories - specifically, a thermometer and a hygrometer. 
You can take an in-the-case approach to humidity control, or you can treat 
the entire room in which your instrument will be kept. Measure the relative 
humidity (RH) and temperature of your storage environment to determine 
if it is suitable. Measuring daily for a week or two will help you determine 
whether conditions are stable. Your Breedlove guitar was built in a controlled 
environment with an RH of approximately 45% at a temperature of 70º F. An 
RH of between 40% and 50% at this same temperature will ensure a suitable 
environment for your Breedlove. Note that RH is temperature-dependent. Air 
with 45% RH at 60º F does not have the same water content as air at 70º F 
with 45% RH.
If your storage environment is below 40% RH, invest in a humidifier with 
variable controls to establish proper RH. If the environment is above 50% 
RH, a variable-control dehumidifier will be needed to achieve optimal RH. 
Humidifiers and dehumidifiers are available at most department stores, and in 
addition to being essential for the health of your instrument, they’re good for 
you too.
Note: This manual covers Breedlove acoustic guitars and mandolins, as well 
as Breedlove Chambered electric guitars. Humidity and temperature control 
are vital for the health of acoustic instruments, and a properly humidified 
environment will also be beneficial for electric guitars.