Toshiba 8100 User Guide

Page of 350
Part II: Technical Reference
Troubleshooting Guide
Resolving a hardware conflict
resources to it. As a result, a hardware conflict can occur. To find 
out what resources Windows has assigned to the legacy device, 
refer to the section “Checking device properties.” If Windows is 
unable to provide the information you need, the preassigned 
settings for IRQs, DMAs and I/O assignments are listed in 
“System Resources” on page 275 for your reference.
Checking device properties
Device Manager provides a way to view the properties of a device. 
Properties include the name of the manufacturer, the type of 
device, the drivers installed, and the system resources assigned to 
the device. 
TECHNICAL NOTE: Windows NT does not support Device 
To check a device’s properties:
Click Start, then point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
Double-click the System icon.
Windows 98 Second Edition displays the System Properties 
dialog box.
Click the Device Manager tab.
Double-click the device type.
To view the properties, double-click the device.
Windows 98 Second Edition displays the Device Properties 
dialog box, which provides various tabs to choose from. 
Some of the common ones are:
The General tab, which provides basic information about 
the device.