Toshiba 8100 User Guide

Page of 350
Part II: Technical Reference
Troubleshooting Guide
Fixing device-related problems
CD-RW (read-only). The CD-ROM drive supports CD-ROM, 
CD-R, and CD-RW (read-only).
HINT: The DVD-ROM drive reads only Region 1 (North 
America) DVDs.
If the problem is with a data CD or DVD, refer to the software’s 
documentation and check that the hardware configuration meets 
the program’s needs.
The disc will not come out of the drive when you click the 
eject button on the screen.
Press the button on the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive itself.
The DVD-ROM drive will not open if the computer’s power is 
off. If you cannot turn on the computer, you can open the 
DVD-ROM drive manually. Use a straightened paper clip or other 
narrow object to press the manual eject button. This button is in 
the small hole just to the right of the DVD-ROM eject button.
Sound system problems
You don’t hear any sound from the computer.
Adjust the volume control. There is a volume control dial on the 
computer, a volume control feature in the Windows Control Panel 
(“Sounds”). There may also be a volume control on your speakers 
or headphones or in your audio application.
If you are using an external microphone or speakers, check that 
they are securely connected to your computer.
Check that the sound function is enabled. Refer to “TSETUP” on 
page 151.