Netopia r6100 Reference Guide

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Understanding IP Addressing  B-9
Using address serving
The Netopia R6000 Series provides three ways to ser ve IP addresses to computers on a network. The first, 
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), is suppor ted by PCs with Microsoft Windows and a TCP/IP stack. 
Macintosh computers using Open Transpor t and computers using the UNIX operating system may also be able 
to use DHCP. The second way, MacIP, is for Macintosh computers. The third way, called Ser ve Dynamic WAN 
Clients (IPCP), is used to fulfill WAN client requirements
The Netopia R6000 Series can use both DHCP and MacIP. Whether you use one or both depends on your 
par ticular networking environment. If that environment includes both PCs and Macintosh computers that do not 
use Open Transpor t, you need to use both DHCP and MacIP to distribute IP addresses to all of your computers.
Serve dynamic WAN clients
The third method, used to fulfill WAN client requirements, is called Ser ve Dynamic WAN Clients. The correct 
term or protocol is a subset of the PPP suite call IPCP. Originally, this would apply only to switched WAN 
inter face routers, and not to leased line routers. However, a new feature can give you Asynchronous PPP dial-in 
suppor t on the Auxiliar y por t on any router including leased line Netopia Routers.
In any situation where a device is dialing into a Netopia Router, the router may need to be configured to ser ve IP 
via the WAN inter face. This is only a requirement if the calling device has not been configured locally to know 
what its address(es) are. So when a client, dialing into a Netopia Router's WAN inter face, is expecting 
addresses to be ser ved by the answering router, you must set the answering Netopia Router to ser ve IP via its 
WAN inter face.
You can do this in either of two ways:
use the Ser ve Dynamic WAN Clients option in the Address Ser ving Setup screen. 
Enabling Ser ve Dynamic WAN Clients only allows you to specify a pool of addresses from which the dial-in 
client may get an IP address. It does not allow static addressing.
If you want to ser ve addresses dynamically, use Ser ve Dynamic WAN Clients.
define the address that you want to ser ve in the Connection Profile's IP Setup screen. 
This method requires a static value to be used. Thus any user dialing in can obtain the same IP address for 
ever y connection to the profile. 
If you want to ser ve addresses statically, define the address in the Connection Profile.
The addresses that are to be ser ved cannot be used elsewhere. For example you wouldn't want to 
define a static address in a Connection Profile to be ser ved via the WAN that is already defined in the 
DHCP pool of addresses. 
In order to work correctly, you must define a host or node address in the IP Profile Parameters of the 
Connection Profile.
This is accomplished by specifying the IP address that is to be statically ser ved via the WAN, and then 
by entering a mask value of
Tips and rules for distributing IP addresses
Before you allocate IP addresses using DHCP and MacIP, consider whether you need to set aside any static