Netopia r6100 Reference Guide

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8-8  User’s Reference Guide
R6161 Multilink PPP-based Bonded ADSL (WAN Module 2) Setup
The Netopia R6000 Series offers Multilink PPP-based DSL Bonding suppor t for R6161 ADSL routers. Multilink 
PPP-based DSL Bonding allows your ISP to aggregate the speed of two separate DSL lines to create a single 
vir tual pipe of higher speed. It does require two separate DSL lines, each connected to one of the two WAN 
inter faces on an R6161 Router. In configuring the second WAN inter face on the R6161, the PVCs must be 
defined for the second WAN circuit. You access this feature in the Choose Inter face to Configure screen under 
the WAN Setup menu.
When you select ADSL (WAN Module 2) Setup and press Return, the secondar y WAN module screen appears.
The only configuration that is allowed is the configuration of PVCs. You configure the PVCs on WAN Line 2 in the 
same way as for WAN Line 1. See 
                             ADSL Line 2 Configuration
         Display/Change Circuit...
         Add Circuit...
         Delete Circuit...
Enter Information supplied to you by your telephone company.