Enterasys rbt-8110 User Manual

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Wireless Switch Configuration Tasks
RBT-8110 Wireless Switch Installation Guide 3-3
quickstart Command Procedure
To run the quickstart command:
Using the null modem cable shipped with the RBT‐8100, attach a PC to the RoamAbout 
wireless switch’s serial console port. Use these modem settings: 
9600 bps, 8 bits
1 stop
No parity
Hardware flow control disabled
Press Enter three times, to display a username prompt (Username:), a password prompt 
(Password:), and then a command prompt such as the following: 
(Each switch has a unique system name that contains the model number and the last half of 
the switch’s MAC address.)
Access the enabled level (the configuration level) of the CLI:
RBT-8110-aabbcc> enable
Press Enter at the Enter password prompt.
Type quickstart. The command asks you a series of questions. You can type ? for more help. 
To quit, press Ctrl+C. The following example code accepts the defaults for system name and 
country code, and does not configure SSIDs, user information, or distributed access points.
RBT-8110-aabbcc# quickstart
This will erase any existing config. Continue? [n]: y
Answer the following questions. Enter '?' for help. ^C to break out
System Name [RBT-8110]:RBT-8110-aabbcc
Country Code [US]: US
System IP address []:
System IP address netmask []:
Default route []:
Do you need to use 802.1Q tagged ports for connectivity on the default VLAN? 
[Y/N]: y
Specify the port number that needs to be tagged [1-2, <CR> ends config]: 2
Specify the tagged value for port [2] [<CR> ends config:] 100
Specify the port number that needs to be tagged [1-2, <CR> ends config]:
Enable WebView [y]: y
Admin username [admin]: rbtadmin
Admin password [mandatory]: letmein
Enable password [optional]: enable
Do you wish to set the time? [y]: y
Enter the date (dd/mm/yy) []: 31/03/06
Is daylight saving time (DST) in effect [n]: n
Enter the time (hh:mm:ss) []: 04:36:20
Enter the timezone []: EST
Enter the offset (without DST) from GMT for 'PST' in hh:mm [0:0]: -5:00
Do you wish to configure wireless? [y]: y
Enter a clear SSID to use: public
Note: Do not attempt to connect a monitor, keyboard, or mouse to the switch. Use only a null 
modem cable connected to the serial console port.