Nokia 8890 User Guide

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Icons are graphical representations of a specific item or situation. 
For example, this icon 
 appears when you have a voice message 
waiting to be heard. (Some systems use a different method.)
The rest of this section shows examples of each icon that can appear on 
your phone and tells you what these icons indicate. 
Line 1 is selected for outgoing calls.
Line 2 is selected for outgoing calls.
You have an active call.
You have one or more new voice messages.
You have one or more new text messages. 
(If blinking, text message memory is full.)
Keyguard is on. Your phone will not accept any keypresses. 
The alarm clock is set.
The Silent profile is selected.
Incoming voice calls are being forwarded to another number. 
You have forwarded all voice calls received on line 1.
You have forwarded all voice calls received on line 2.
You have forwarded all voice calls received on lines 1 and 2.
The phone is ready for you to enter a response.
Characters entered will be uppercase letters. 
 to switch letter case.
Characters entered will be lowercase letters. 
 to switch letter case.