Unitech ht580 Quick Setup Guide

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In the Window 4, select “Record Define”. With your mouse right-click on the white area 
below and select “Add”. Select Value Type as “Reference Value” and Value as “Screen 
Define1->Text Define1” and click OK. Do this a second time (right click, select “Add”) 
but this time set your Value to “Screen Define1->Text Define2”.  
*Note: Careful not to select “Screen Define1->Label Define2” (or Label Define1) 
The text labels, text input, and file information has been defined.  The last step is to set 
the flow. The flow chart below will illustrate the final task: 
Screen Define 1Æ Label Define 1Æ Label Define 2Æ Text Define 1Æ Text Define 2Æ 
Save Define 1 Æ Screen Define 1.  
It is important to note that after “Save Define1” the flow goes back to “Screen Define 1” 
which is where the flow originally started.  
In Window 1, click on “Demo (Demo.ejd)” and then select the “Property” tab from 
Window 4. Set the Startup to “Screen Define1” 
In Window 2, click on “Screen Define 1” and then select the “Information” tab from 
Window 4. Set Goto to “Screen Define->Label Define1”.  
In Window 2, click on “Label Define 1” and then select the “Property” tab from 
Window 4. Set Goto to “Screen Define->Label Define2”.  
In Window 2, click on “Label Define 2” and then select the “Property” tab from 
Window 4. Set Goto to “Screen Define->Text Define1”. 
In Window 2, click on “Text Define1” and then select the “Default Next Action” tab 
from Window 4. Set Default Goto to “Screen Define->Text Define2”. 
In Window 2, click on “Text Define2” and then select the “Default Next Action” tab 
from Window 4. Set Default Goto to “Screen Define->Save Define1”. 
In Window 2, click on “Save Define1” and then select the “Next Action” tab from 
Window 4. Set the Save Success Goto to “Screen Define 1”. Set the Save Fail Goto to 
“Screen Define1”. We will not create a fail-screen in this demo.   
The application is complete!