Polaroid FLM-3732 User Guide

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Chapter  Installing the LCD TV
This reminder is provided to call the CATV system installer’s attention to Article 820-40 of the 
National Electrical Code (NEC) that provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, 
specifies that the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the building 
accurately, or as close to the point of cable entry as possible. Use of this TV for other than 
private viewing of programs broadcasted on UHF, VHF or transmitted by cable companies for 
the use of the general public may require authorization from the broadcast/cable company, and/
or program owner. 
Cable TV Line
2 set signal 
(not included)
RF switch
(not included)
Cable TV converter/
(not included)
Cable TV (CATV)  Connection
  ■ The RF switch (not included) is required to provide two inputs (A and B).  Setting 
the RF switch to position A allows viewing of all unscrambled channels by using 
the TV channel keys.
   Setting the RF switch to position B allows viewing of all scrambled channels via 
the converter/descrambler by using the converter channel keys.
■  A -ohm coaxial cable connector is built into the set for easy hookup.
  When connecting the -ohm coaxial cable to the set, connect the -
ohm cable  into the ANT. terminal.
■  Some cable TV companies offer premium pay channels. Since the 
signals of these premium pay channels are scrambled, a cable TV 
converter/descrambler is generally provided to the subscriber by the 
cable TV company. 
This converter/descrambler is necessary for normal viewing of scrambled channels. 
(Set your TV to channel 3 or 4, typically one of these channels is used. If this is unknown, 
consult your cable TV company.)
For more specific instructions on installing cable TV, consult your cable TV company. 
One possible method of connecting the coverter/descrambler provided by your cable TV 
company is shown in the diagram below.