Crown cts1200 User Guide

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CTs Power Amplifi ers
Operation Manual
3.7 Connect to AC Mains 
On the back panel, check whether your amplifi er is labeled 
for 120V or 220-240V AC mains. Connect your amplifi er to 
the corresponding AC mains power source (power out let) 
with the supplied AC power cordset. First, connect the IEC 
end of the cordset to the IEC connector on the ampli fi er. 
Then, with the amplifi er in the OFF position, plug the other 
end of the cordset into the AC mains. 
WARNING: The third prong of this connector 
(ground) is an important safety feature. Do not 
attempt to disable this ground connection by 
using an adapter or other methods.
Amplifi ers don’t create energy. The AC mains voltage and 
current must be suffi cient to deliver the power you expect. 
Check the amplifi er’s back-panel label which specifi es the 
required AC mains voltage and frequency. The AC mains 
voltage must be no more than 15% above the required 
voltage, and no less than 25% below the required voltage. 
The AC mains frequency must be within the required 
fre quency range. If you are unsure of the output voltage of 
your AC mains, please consult your electrician.
3.8 Startup Procedure
Use the following procedure when fi rst turning on your 
amplifi er:
1.  Turn down the level of your audio source. 
2.  Turn down the level controls of the amplifi er.
3.  Turn on the “Power” switch. The Power indicator 
should glow. Wait for the “Ready” LED to illuminate.
4.  Turn up the level of your audio source to an optimum 
5.  Turn up the Level controls on the amplifi er until the 
desired loudness or power level is achieved. Verify 
that the Signal LED is fl ashing.
6.  Turn down the level of your audio source to its normal 
If you ever need to make any wiring or installation changes, 
don’t forget to turn off the amplifi er and discon nect the 
power cord.
For help with determining your system’s optimum gain 
structure (signal levels) please refer to the Crown Ampli fi er 
Application Guide
, available online at
4 Operation
4.1 Precautions
Your amplifi er is protected from internal and external 
faults, but you should still take the following precautions 
for optimum performance and safety:
1.  Before use, your amplifi er fi rst must be confi gured for 
proper operation, including input and output wiring 
hookup. Improper wiring can result in serious 
operat ing diffi culties. For information on wiring and 
confi g uration, please consult the Setup section of this 
manual or, for advanced setup techniques, consult 
Crown’s Amplifi er Application Guide  available online 
2.  Use care when making connections, selecting signal 
sources and controlling the output level. The load you 
save may be your own!
3.  Do not short the ground lead of an output cable to the 
input signal ground. This may form a ground loop and 
cause oscillations.
4.  Never connect the output to a power supply, 
battery or power main. Electrical shock may 
5.  Tampering with the circuitry, or making unauthorized 
circuit changes may be hazardous and invalidates all 
agency listings.
6.  Do not operate the amplifi er with the red Clip LEDs 
constantly fl ashing. 
7.  Do not overdrive the mixer, which will cause clipped 
signal to be sent to the amplifi er. Such signals will be 
reproduced with extreme accuracy, and loudspeaker 
damage may result. 
8.  Do not operate the amplifi er with less than the rated 
load impedance. Due to the amplifi er’s output 
protec tion, such a confi guration may result in 
premature clipping and speaker damage. 
Remember: Crown is not liable for damage that results 
from overdriving other system components.
3 Setup