Coby mp-815 - 16gb User Manual

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Coby Electronics Corporation 
Page 21
Video Mode
Use the following controls during video playback; the 
name of the controls are given as if you were holding the 
player horizontally.
Key Action
To play the next video
Press <RIGHT>
To play the previous video
Press <LEFT>
To scan quickly through the current 
video (forward or reverse)
Hold <RIGHT> or <LEFT>
To pause/resume playback 
Press <ENTER>
To adjust the volume level
Press <UP> or <DOWN>
To view file information on screen
Press <OPTION> once
To access the Quick Option menu
Press <OPTION> twice
To return to the Video Browser screen
Press <MENU>
To return to the Main menu
Hold <MENU>
Quick Option Menu
To access the quick option menu, press <OPTION> twice 
during video playback. 
Full Screen / Normal
Press <LEFT> or <RIGHT> to toggle full screen view on/off.
Press <LEFT> or <RIGHT> to toggle full screen view on/off.