Lexmark X646dte Supplementary Manual

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Solutions Overview
Lexmark Clinical Assistant
Immediate access to a suite of powerful healthcare workflow solutions
Lexmark’s Embedded Solutions Framework (eSF) allows these Java-based healthcare applications to
run directly on the Clinical Assistant right out of the box, saving the expense of installing additional
Scan to EMR 
Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems can help reduce medical errors by capturing and storing
patient information electronically, allowing physicians to quickly access critical information. With the
Clinical Assistant’s one-touch Scan to EMR feature, clinical staff can: 
• Securely scan and route documents to network destinations 
• Scan patient updates into their EMR files in a timely fashion 
• Reduce turnaround time for accounts receivable with easy access to supporting documentation
for insurance claims
Physician Order Routing   
Improving the medication order process is a top priority in virtually every healthcare organization. But
fax machines are still commonly used to send handwritten physician’s orders to the pharmacy or a lab
for processing, leading to lost, delayed or inaccurate orders. The Clinical Assistant includes an
integrated one-touch Orders Routing function that allows nursing staff and clinicians to:
• Securely route physician orders from nursing stations to pharmacy
• Automatically separate STAT orders from normal orders for faster processing
• Integrate with leading medication order management systems
Forms on Demand   
Many healthcare facilities are moving away from expensive pre-printed forms to storing frequently
accessed documents online for printing on demand. However, clinical staff often do not have time to
log in to a workstation, locate the document and submit a print job. Forms on Demand allows clinical
staff to quickly and easily access those forms right from the Clinical Assistant, making it easy to:
• Select and print documents right at the MFP
• Quickly assemble patient chart form sets
• Assure that the most current form versions are used   
Card Copy   
Patient insurance or identification cards are copied frequently and included with patient files. However,
because the cards are typically two-sided, medical staff must go through an extra step and make two
separate photocopies for the front and back of the card. The Card Copy function allows staff to scan
each side of the card and print both sides on one side of a single sheet of paper to:
• Save time
• Save paper
• Improve legibility with enlarged format option
Solution Summary
• Forms on Demand lets users
choose and then print
selected documents right
from the Clinical Assistant
touch screen. Frees up staff
time and saves money by
eliminating the need to order
and stock pre-printed forms. 
• Card Copy scans each side
of ID cards and prints both
sides in an enlarged format
on one side of a single sheet
of paper. Saves paper and
improves the quality of
critical documentation. 
“Technology investments 
designed to ensure the
safety and expert care of our
patients are investments
worth making.”
—Steve Art