Alphasmart as 3000 Supplementary Manual

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Options for Teachers
Enhanced reporting capabilities
Teacher’s group progress report. From within Teacher options, 
you can create a group progress report that lists last lesson 
details for each student using KeyWords on the device.
When viewing or printing reports from your computer, 
reports appear best when formatted in a fixed-width or 
monospace font such as Courier.
Creating a student progress report
A student progress report shows you a single line for each lesson a 
student has started. The fields included for each lesson are 
To create a student progress report:
1. On your AlphaSmart device, start KeyWords, select a student 
from the list, and press 
2. Type the student password or master password.
3. Use the arrow keys to scroll up and select the Student Reports 
option, then press 
4. Select Create Student Progress report and press 
Lesson name
Student’s WPM goal
Student’s actual WPM
Student’s error goal
Student’s actual errors
Accuracy and speed builders 
Whether the student passed 
the accuracy and speed test 
for the lesson or not