LXE mx6 User Guide

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MX6 User’s Guide 
Arrow Keys 
Press the arrow (or cursor key) to move the cursor or highlighted text entry 
during a menu/list selection. In Normal mode: 
• The Up arrow moves the cursor up one row or line. 
• The Right arrow moves the cursor to the right one character. 
• The Down arrow moves the cursor down one line or row. 
• The Left arrow moves the cursor to the left one character. 
Modifier Keys 
Figure 30  Modifier Keys 
The Ctrl and Alt keys are located on the bottom row of the keypad. Functions of the Ctrl and Alt 
keys depend on the software application in use.  
Note:  Unlike the SFT key, Ctrl and Alt are not “sticky”. Press and hold Ctrl or Alt down while 
pressing the next key. 
The blue and red keys (blue is to the left and red is to the right) are used in conjunction with other 
keys to type the corresponding color-coded characters and functions. The Red and Blue keys 
modify only the next key pressed; these keys must be pressed and released before each key to be 
modified to the Blue or Red case. 
Function Keys 
Function keys F6, F7 and F11 do not produce the standard windows messaging sequence. Instead 
they produce the following: 
F6 WM_KEYDOWN  wParam=0x60 
F7 WM_KEYDOWN  wParam=0x61 
In order to use these keys as function keys, applications must interpret the message sequences 
Note:  Use <CTRL>+<F1> key sequence to get function key F7, <CTRL>+<F5> key 
sequence to get function key F11. These “second key” functions bypass the standard 
windows messaging sequence described above for F7 and F11.