Nortel 4000 User Guide

Page of 351
Managing Remote Access Concentrators Using Annex Manager
Chapter 7    Configuring RAC Parameters
Figure 7-5. Set Window
Optionally click
 Show Values
Work Area
 displays values for the parameters you selected. The
Message Box
 lists each parameter name. You can skip this step if
you do not want to see current values.
If you selected RACs, ports, or channels that do not have the same
parameter value, the
Disp Diffs button displays in the
Work Area
of the
 window. Click
Disp Diffs
 to display the
Set (differing values)
window (
). The window displays the parameter value for
each RAC and port or channel. It scrolls automatically to the
parameter you selected. You can use scroll bars to view other
parameter values.