Intermec 6100 Reference Guide

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Getting Started
 6100 Computer Programmer’s Reference Guide    1-7
SunDisk has been changed to SanDisk.
The 6100 Computer supports SRAM PC Cards natively — meaning, no extra device driv-
ers to load.  However, SanDisk cards are not supported through the 6100 BIOS and thus,
need Card and Socket services to be loaded before they can be used.
5. PC Card reader/writer (for example, DataBook card readerĆwriter or noteĆ
book computer that can read/write PC cards).
6. Cable for connecting 6100 Dock to a PC (NULL modem cable).
7. If printing is needed, cable for connecting dock to serial or 4815 Printer.
8. Single dock or wall charger.
Sample Configuration Files
The configuration files, CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT, are required for an
appropriate environment for the 6100 Computer.
Some examples of configuration files, used to configure the 6100 Computer for
DOS or Windows, are detailed in Appendix A, Sample Configuration Files.
Reprogramming Flash Memory
Always keep the 6100 Computer on charge while performing any setup, reprogramming, or
Updating to Flash Version 1.16 or Later
If you have a flash version older than 1.16, it is highly recommended that you
obtain an upgrade to the latest version of flash.
A selfĆextracting executable archive file, found in the Tool Kit contains the entire
flash load.  Run this executable from a temporary directory on a desktop PC.  AfĆ
ter running the executable, a file is produced that explains how to reprogram the
flash (which is essentially the same information presented here).
The selfĆextracting archive also contains 61FL1000.BIN, the 6100 Initial Flash
Load (IFL) card image, and PROG.BAT, an automatic reflashing batch file.
These two files create an IFL card, which in turn installs the flash image on
6100 Computer.
If you are updating from an older  flash to version, and you have an 8 MB system, you must
format the RAM drive to a size of zero.  Otherwise the system may lockup.  The only way to
recover from this, once it occurs, is to remove the DRAM board.
DOS Configurations
You must change the following:
All system files should be accessed from drive D:
for IRDAPDRV, remove the -b??? switch and add the -x switch
for ELANCFG.EXE, remove the /C /R switches.
ELANCSSS.EXE is needed, no matter what kind of card you have
1. Getting Started