Intermec 6100 Reference Guide

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Getting Started
 6100 Computer Programmer’s Reference Guide    1-13
The 6100 Computer can run any mouseĆaware Windows application.  Note that
the Windows configuration provided by Intermec is not a fullĆfeatured Windows.
You may find that files you need have not been included.  Add the files if needed.
Borland's C compiler includes a utility called TDUMP.  You can run TDUMP on
an executable file to display the files or libraries called by the executable.
Handwriting Recognition
If handwriting recognition is required, there are two options available.  One opĆ
tion is provided by a product from Communication Intelligence Corp. (CIC); the
other option is provided by a product from Synaptics.  For descriptions, refer to
the CIC Handwriter Recognition System for Windows paragraph and the SynapĆ
tics Handwriter Recognition HRĆ1200 paragraph, on page 1Ć13.
If signature capture (bit maps) is required, but handwriting recognition is not
required, this can be done with regular Windows.   Simply trap the mouseĆmove
and mouseĆpressed events and manually draw the ink.  The ink then can be
saved as bit maps and compressed, if necessary.  Microsoft Visual Basic ProfesĆ
sional Edition has an example of catching ink" in this way.  The extra files for
enabling the Pen Extensions are provided in the Tool Kit.
Standard and Enhanced modes for Windows are discussed the in Memory OverĆ
view topic, in Appendix B, Common PEN*KEY 6000 Series Information.  Contact
your Intermec sales representative to order software and manuals.  Any of the
following handwriter recognition packages can be ordered:
Manufacturer:  Communication Intelligence Corp. (CIC)
Software:  Handwriting Recognition System for Windows
Manufacturer:  Synaptics
Software:  Handwriting Recognition HR-1200
CIC Handwriter Recognition System for Windows
This system is a fullĆfeatured recognizer which includes a trainer" that provides
a means to train the recognizer to better recognize your handwriting.
This product only works in the ENHANCED mode.
This software also requires numerous files to be installed, about 720K bytes of
disk space.  Once loaded, it recognizes handwriting in any text field.  In addition,
it recognizes standard Pen Extensions for Windows 1.0 gestures.
Synaptics Handwriter Recognition HR-1200
This system is a more limited recognizer.  It requires only one file to be installed,
which is about 200K bytes in size.
It can run in standard or enhanced mode Windows.  It only recognizes handwritĆ
ing in boxed or hashed edits, which are Pen Windows controls.
Boxed edit (bEdit) looks similar to the following, and each letter goes in a box:
Hashed edit (hEdit) looks similar to the following, and each letter goes in a slot:
1. Getting Started