Revel sub15 User Guide

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The FM-2 Filter Module also features adjustments for frequencies
below which the subwoofer is the predominant source and above
which the other speakers in the system “take over.” The adjust-
FREQUENCY respectively (see Figure 7 on page 14), are set at
the factory to 80 Hz, the frequency most commonly used in
multi-channel audio systems. Different values for high or low
crossover frequencies may be more appropriate in a given system.
Your Revel dealer can assist you in selecting the optimum high-
and low-pass crossover settings. 
Moreover, the FM-2 Filter Module can accommodate the use of
different front-channel speakers with an appropriate selection a
high-pass filter slope of 12 dB per octave (two poles) or 24 dB per
octave (four poles). This setting should only be changed if the
front speakers are changed. Either your dealer or, in the case of
non-Revel front speakers, the speaker manufacturer should be
consulted for the proper setting of these adjustments. To change
the crossover slope setting, perform the steps below:
1. Turn off all audio system power.
2. On the ULTIMA LE-1 rear panel (see Figure 7 on page 14),
locate the FM-2 Filter Module, and remove the thumbscrews.
3. Gripping the two handles on the module, pull the FM-2 out
of the chassis.
4. On the module, find the four small, black removable jumpers
at positions S1, S2, S3, and S4 (see Figure 17 on page 30). For
12 dB per octave slope (the default setting), the jumpers
should be positioned so that they bridge the two pins closer to
the row of 40 connectors (along the rear edge of the FM-2
board). For 24 dB per octave slope, move the jumpers so that
they bridge the two pins closer to the panel at the front of the
FM-2 board. 
NOTE: All four headers must be in the same position; either closer
to the rear or the front of the board. 
5. Reinsert the FM-2 Filter Module and firmly press it in. Tighten
the thumbscrews.
6. Turn on all audio system power.
Owner’s Manual