Mobile Crossing map loader User Manual

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allow you to select the map region you wish to load. This is 
shown in Figure 14
Figure 14. Build Map screen
Use the pull down menu to select one of your available 
regions. All of your purchased regions will be shown, even 
those you may have already loaded. The loaded regions will 
be shown on the bottom map. In Figure 14 the screen is 
showing that Pacific region and the Long Haul maps are 
already installed while the Bluegrass region is selected. 
Clearly this is too large to fit in the Flash Disk area.
If the region you want to install is too large then you will need 
to remove the existing maps. Use the pull down menu to 
choose one of the installed regions and the button name will 
change to uninstall map. Tap proceed to uninstall the map.
Tip: If you tap the map regions pull-down menu twice it will 
remain selected. You can use the thumb wheel or cursor 
keys to scroll through the list. When you reach the installed 
map the Uninstall Map button will appear.
If removing maps does not solve the problem with space you 
will need to use the File Explorer program to remove files. 
When you tap
to leave the File Explorer and return to this