3com 8807 Reference Guide

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SSH Client Configuration Commands
host-name: Server name, a string with 1 to 30 characters.
port-num: Server port number, ranges from 0 to 65535, and defaults to 22.
prefer_kex: Preferred key exchange algorithm, which can be one of the two 
dh_group1: Key exchange algorithm diffie-hellman-group1-sha1, which is the 
default algorithm.
dh_exchange_group: Key exchange algorithm 
prefer_ctos_cipher: Preferred encryption algorithm from the client to the server. 
The default algorithm is aes128.
prefer_stoc_cipher: Preferred encryption algorithm from the server to the client. 
The default algorithm is aes128.
des: Encryption algorithm des_cbc.
3des: Encryption algorithm 3des_cbc.
aes128: Encryption algorithm aes_128.
prefer_ctos_hmac: Preferred HMAC algorithm from the client to the server. The 
default algorithm is sha1_96.
prefer_stoc_hmac: Preferred HMAC algorithm from the server to the client. The 
default algorithm is sha1_96.
sha1: HMAC algorithm hmac-sha1.
sha1_96: HMAC algorithm hmac-sha1-96.
md5: HMAC algorithm hmac-md5.
md5_96: HMAC algorithm hmac-md5-96.
Use the ssh2 command to enable the connection between the SSH client and the 
server, and specify the preferred key exchange algorithm, encryption algorithm 
and HMAC algorithm of the client and the server.
# Log in to remote SSH2 server with IP address, and configure 
encryption algorithms as follows:
Preferred key exchange algorithm: dh_exchange_group
Preferred encryption algorithm from the client to the server: 3DES-CBC
Preferred HMAC algorithm from the client to the server: HMAC-MD5
Preferred encryption algorithm from the server to the client: AES-128
Preferred HMAC algorithm from the server to the client: HMAC-SHA1-96