3com 8807 User Guide

Page of 883
 53: VRRP C
The following commands can be used to set correspondence between the IP 
address and the MAC address.
Perform the following configuration in system view.
By default, the virtual IP address of the virtual router corresponds to the virtual 
MAC address.
You should set correspondence between the virtual IP address of the virtual router 
and the MAC address before configuring the virtual router. Otherwise, you cannot 
configure the correspondence.
If you set correspondence between the IP address of the virtual router and the real 
MAC address, you can configure only one virtual router on VLAN interface.
Adding/Deleting a 
Virtual IP Address
The following command is used for assigning a virtual IP address of the local 
segment to a virtual router or removing an assigned virtual IP address of a virtual 
router from the virtual address list.
Perform the following configuration in VLAN interface view.
The virtual-router-ID covers the range from 1 to 255.
The virtual-address can be an unused address in the network segment where the 
virtual router resides, or the IP address of an interface in the virtual router. If the IP 
address is of the switch in the virtual router, it can also be configured as 
virtual-address. In this case, the switch will be called an IP Address Owner. When 
adding the first IP address to a virtual router, the system will create a new virtual 
router accordingly. When adding a new address to this virtual router thereafter, 
the system will directly add it into the virtual IP address list.
After the last virtual IP address is removed from the virtual router, the whole virtual 
router will also be removed. That is, there is no more virtual router on the interface 
any more and any configuration of it is invalid accordingly.
Configuring the Priority 
of Switches in the 
Virtual Router
The status of each switch in the virtual router will be determined by its priority in 
VRRP. The switch with the highest priority will become the Master.
Perform the following configuration in VLAN interface view.
Table 594   Set correspondence between virtual IP address and MAC address
Set correspondence between the virtual IP 
address and the MAC address 
vrrp method { real-mac | virtual-mac } 
Set the correspondence to the default value 
undo vrrp method
Table 595   Add/delete a virtual IP address
Add a virtual IP address 
vrrp vrid virtual-router-ID virtual-ip virtual-address 
Delete a virtual IP address 
undo vrrp vrid virtual-router-ID [ virtual-ip virtual-address ]