TallyGenicom 3860 Quick Setup Guide

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The following are examples of the format of the LCD messages:
The current selection on a multiple-choice  menu is preceded by the
greater-than symbol (>).
Right:  8.500
When a number needs to be entered, the current setting is preceded by
a colon :
Right>  8.000
Then the arrow flashes after ENTER is pressed to save the change.
The following abbreviations are used in the LCD menu:
Auto Sw – 
Auto switching.
Both serial and parallel interfaces are selected.
Char Set - 
Character Set.  Select either of character sets 1or 2.  Applies to ANSI and
Epson as well as to the two IBM emulations.
CPI - 
Characters per Inch
Form Leng
 - Form Length.
 - Interface. Choices are auto switching, serial, or parallel.
 - Lines per Inch.
Msg Lang
 - Message Language. The printer can present the LCD messages in English,
Italian, German, Spanish and French.
PrFormat - 
Print a Format report.  This shows what is in each of the four stored formats.
Print a Status sheet.  This shows what is in the active format; in other words,
what the printer is set to do currently.
Printed Menu.  The printed menu has more configuration options than does
the LCD menu.  See Chapter 4 of the 
3860/80 User’s Manual.
Print Reference.  Use to set a top offset and also a left offset to position
printing on the page. See Chapter 7 of the 
3860/80 User’s Manual.
Test Prn - 
Test Print.  This prints a rolling-ASCII pattern that reflects the current font,
margins, line and character spacing, etc.
Wire Impt – 
Wire impact.
Adjust impact of print head wires on ribbon.  Level 4 is the
default.  The higher the level number, the greater the impact. Use higher
levels for multi-part forms.  Use lower levels for lightweight forms.
Setting the impact of the print head higher than is necessary
can cause unnecessary print head and ribbon wear.