Sony NV-U70 GPS Navigation System Manual

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User's manual Sony Personal Navigation System 
Working with the map 
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When you tap on the Hide button, all the other buttons on the 
map are hidden. This gives you a better overview. 
The only button on the screen is now the Show button. 
If you now tap on this button, the other buttons will be shown 
Map alignment 
 align North or 
 align In driving direction 
Tap on North to align the map in such a way that north is always 
at the top. 
This view corresponds to the map view of printed maps, but is 
impractical for the navigation. 
Tap on In driving direction in order to align the map in such a 
way that the “straight ahead” direction of movement is always 
“pointing up” on the screen. 
This view is recommended for the navigation because the 
directions right and left are shown on the map exactly as they 
are in reality. 
Search for 
 Search for destination 
Tap on this button to change to the Search for destination map 
view. Refer to the next chapter ("Search for destination view" o
page 63) for more information. 
Search for destination view 
In the S
view you can choose a 
destination directly on the map or obtain an overview of a 
specific area. 
describes how you choose a destination from the map.