Netgear STM300 ProSecure Web and Email Threat Management Appliance Reference Manual

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  Chapter 4.  Content Filtering and Optimizing Scans    
ProSecure Web/Email Security Threat Management (STM) Appliance 
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Configuring Application Control
The STM lets you control user access to Web applications such as instant messaging, 
media, peer-to-peer services, and online tools. Blocking an application prohibits all traffic to 
and from the application, which can be useful when you want to control the STM’s 
throughput. By default, none of the applications are blocked.
For information about creating custom categories that allow you to 
set access exceptions for combinations of applications, see 
Scan Exception
From the drop-down list, specify one of the following actions to be taken when a file or object exceeds the 
size that you specify in the file size field:
• Skip. The file or object is not scanned but skipped, leaving the end user vulnerable. This is the default 
•  Block. The file or object is blocked and does not reach the end user.
The default and maximum file sizes are as follows:
• For the STM600 and STM300, the default setting is to block any file or object larger than 10240 KB. The 
maximum file size that you can specify is 51200 KB.
• For the STM150, the default setting is to block any file or object larger than 8192 KB. The maximum file 
size that you can specify is 25600 KB.
Setting the maximum file size to a high value might affect the STM’s performance. NETGEAR 
recommends the default value, which is sufficient to detect the vast majority of threats.
Block Files with the Following Extensions
Select the check box to enable file extension blocking. By default, the File Extension field lists the most 
common file extensions that are detected. You can manually add or delete extensions. Use commas to 
separate different extensions. 
You can also use the drop-down list to add predefined file extensions from a specific category to the File 
Extension field:
•  None. No file extensions are added to the File Extension field. This is the default setting. 
• Executables. Executable file extensions (exe, com, dll, so, lib, scr, bat, and cmd) are added to the File 
Extension field.
• Audio/Video. Audio and video file extensions (wav, mp3, avi, rm, rmvb, wma, wmv, mpg, mp4, and aac) 
are added to the File Extension field.
•  Compressed Files. Compressed file extensions (zip, rar, gz, tar, and bz2) are added to the File 
Extension field.
Table 38.  FTP Scan Settings (Continued)