Netgear RND2150v1 – READYNAS DUO v1 (500GB: 1 X 500GB) Hardware Manual

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ReadyNAS Duo
 ReadyNAS Duo and NV+
Use the boot menu to restart or troubleshoot your ReadyNAS system. The ReadyNAS Duo 
has the following boot modes:
Factory reset. Performs a short disk test and then allows you to reset your system to the 
factory defaults or switch between X-RAID and Flex-RAID. The system performs the disk 
test, which takes about 5 minutes, waits 10 minutes, and then restores the system to its 
factory settings. During the 10-minute window, you can shut down the system to avoid 
erasing its settings and files, or you can use RAIDar to format the system’s disks as 
Flex-RAID instead of X-RAID. If you do not shut down the system or use RAIDar to 
reformat the system, the system is reset to factory settings, all files on the system are 
erased, and the disks are formatted using the same disk configuration that was 
previously used. (For more information about X-RAID and Flex-RAID, see the ReadyNAS 
RAIDiator 4.1 Software Manual
, which is available at 
OS reinstall. Reinstalls the firmware from the system’s internal flash to its disks. Use the 
OS reinstall boot mode when the system crashes and corrupts some configuration files. 
OS reinstall boot mode also resets some settings on your system, such as Internet 
protocol settings and the administrator password, to defaults. 
Tech support. Boots into a low-level diagnostic mode. Use the tech support boot mode 
only when instructed to do so by a NETGEAR technical support representative.
Skip volume check. Bypasses file system checks. After a system crash, the system 
tries to scan and fix the volume using a file system check. If several problems are found 
on a disk, this process can stall, causing the system not to boot. Use this option to skip 
the scan and let the system boot. Use this boot mode only if instructed to do so by a 
NETGEAR technical support representative. Otherwise, you might lose data.
Memory test. Performs a memory test. The pass or fail result is reported using the 
system’s LEDs. Contact a NETGEAR technical support representative to interpret 
memory test results.
Disk test. Performs an offline full disk test that can take 4 hours or more, depending on 
the size of your disks. To view the results of the test, use the RAIDar discovery tool.
TFTP boot. Replaces the firmware on your system with an image from your computer. 
Use this boot mode only if instructed to do so by a NETGEAR technical support 
USB boot. Replaces the firmware on your system with an image from a USB flash drive 
connected to the system. Use this boot mode only if instructed to do so by a NETGEAR 
technical support representative.