Netgear RN20442D – ReadyNAS204 4-Bay, 4x2TB Desktop Drive Software Guide

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Shared Folder Access Rights
Access rights apply to individual shared folders. For each shared folder, you control the file-sharing protocols
that can be used to access the shared folder and the access rights granted to each user, group, and host.
For example, you might want to grant a user read/write permission on one shared folder, read-only permission
on another shared folder, and no access rights at all on a third shared folder. By default, all users and groups
have read/write access.
The following table lists access right options.
Table 5. Access right options
Access Right
The user with this permission can read files on this shared folder, but cannot
edit or create files on this shared folder.
A user with this permission can read, edit, and create files on this shared folder.
Access to this shared folder is read-only for all users except for one or more
users who are granted read/write permission.
Read-only for everyone with exceptions
Access to this shared folder is read/write for all users except for one or more
users who are granted read-only permission.
Read/write for everyone with
Access to this shared folder is disabled for all users except for one or more
users who are granted either read-only or read/write permission.
Disabled with exceptions
User and Group Authentication
The way that users and groups are authenticated depends on the user and group management mode that
you selected (see 
Local user database. If you use the local database, create group and user accounts before you set up
shared folder access rights. For more information about creating and managing groups and user accounts,
 on page 112.
Active Directory. If you use an external Active Directory, the user and group information is downloaded
to the ReadyNAS. User and group access rights are listed when you click the Access tab in the shared
folder settings window.
Set Network Access Rights to Shared Folders for Common
In addition to a way to set access rights for all protocols including advanced settings, the admin page provides
a simplified way to set rights for the most commonly used networking protocols and settings.
The mostly commonly used networking protocols are SMB, AFP, FTP, and HTTP. Use this procedure as a
simplified way to setting access rights for these protocols.
To set the network access rights for a shared folder:
Log in to the admin page.
Select Shares > Shares.
A list of shared folders and LUNs on each volume displays.
Shared Folders
ReadyNAS OS 6.6