Xerox DocuShare Support & Software Installation Guide

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DocuShare on a Windows platform
Upgrade DocuShare
DocuShare Installation Guide
Upgrade DocuShare
A DocuShare upgrade utility is included with the software install wizard. The utility can take sites as low as 
v5.0.3 and upgrade them to the current version of DocuShare. 
Installation logs
The DocuShare installer records all initial installation activity and stores it in DocuShareInstallLog.txt in 
the C:..\Temp directory of your server. After the installer creates the DocuShare directory, it creates a 
second DocuShareInstallLog.txt file in the home directory where it stores the remaining installation data. 
To save the initial DocuShareInstallLog file, start the installation process in a command prompt window by 
entering the command: docushare.exe -P docushareLog.cleanUp=false
Before you start the upgrade procedure
Review the information required for DocuShare software installation presented in Chapter 1. Record all 
of your current configuration settings so you can enter them in the upgrade wizard windows.
From the Administration menu, click Site Management | License. On the License page, locate and 
write down the Host ID number of the server.
Backup the site database
1. In your database server manager, stop the database.
2. Perform a system backup of your DocuShare site. 
3. When the backup is finished, start the database. 
The database must be running for the DocuShare Installer to upgrade the database schema.
4. If you are using a Microsoft SQL Server database, run exec sp_fulltext_database enable on the 
server to enable full text search. 
Clear the event queue
1. Log into the DocuShare site as admin.
2. Go to Services and Components | Subscription.
3. Set the Weekly Notification Day to the current day of the week, and set the Weekly Notification 
Hour and Weekly Notification Minute to five minutes from the current time; then click Apply.
4. Wait ten minutes before proceeding with the upgrade. 
This allows the DocuShare notification service to send all subscribed notifications and clear the 
event queue. Failure to clear the event queue before starting the upgrade results in the lost of all 
events waiting in the queue.
Stop DocuShare
1. Log into the server as a Windows server administrator. 
2. In the Administrator Tool, select and open the Services application, select DocuShare and stop 
the service.
Close all Windows applications that are currently open on the server.