Timberk SWH FSQ1 50 V User Manual

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www.timberk.com • electrical storage water heater
1. Completely automatic control: automatic water heating, continuous auto-
matic water temperature control.
2. DROP Defense – leakage protection and protection against surplus pres-
sure within a tank (pressure safety valve).
HOT Defense – two-stage overheating protection (thermostat and tempera-
ture limiter).
3. Pipes of heating elements are designed taking into account high heat load: 
safe and reliable, with an increased service life.
4. NON CFC urethane foam insulation of increased thickness: excellent heat 
insulation that allows to efficiently retain accumulated heat and save energy.
5. Temperature controller: accurate and reliable water temperature control.
6. FSQ models equipped wiht temperature display shows current water tem-
perature in water heater tanks.
A number of precautions is to be observed upon operation of the fan heater. 
Improper operation as a result of ignoring precautions may harm health of the 
user and other people, as well as damage their property.
1. Any electrical appliance must be supervised when in operation, especially 
if there are children nearby. Make sure children do not touch the appliance.
2. Prior to installing the water heater, not connecting it to electrical main, 
check and make sure the outlet for the  water heater has a ground pin and 
if it is properly earthed. If there is no earth circuit in your electrical main then 
operation of the water heater is dangerous for your life.
3. Connect the water heater only to 220-220V, 50Hz main. If necessary, find 
out parameters of your mains at power suppliers.
4. To prevent overheating and risk of fire, as well as damage of internal electri-
cal main, do no modify the power cord’s length and do no connect the water 
heater through electrical extenders.
5. It is forbidden to switch on the water heater if it is not filled with water or if 
water cannot go through a pressure safety valve.
6. Never use the water heater if it is broken.
7. Do not remove the water heater cover when it is in operation.
8. Immediately unplug the water heater from electrical main if strange sounds, 
odor or smoke are coming from it.
9. Always unplug the water heater from electrical main during a thunderstorm.
10. Prior to cleaning and maintenance of the water heater unplug it from elec-
trical main. Cleaning and maintenance must be performed in compliance with 
instructions of this operation manual.
11. Do not use hazardous chemical substances to clean the water heater and 
prevent their contact with the appliance.
12. To prevent electrical shock the damaged power cord must be replaced 
only in manufacturer’s authorized service centers by qualified specialists.
13. To prevent electrical shock do not place the power cord nearby heating 
devices and flammables or combustibles.
14. Do not press buttons on the control panel of the water heater and its 
remote controller (for some models) otherwise but by your fingers.
15. Since temperature of water in the water heater can reach +75°C, when 
it is in operation you should not place your body parts under hot water at the 
first run.
To prevent burns you should adjust the temperature of the discharging water.
16. Do not use the water heater for purposes not specified by this operation 
17. Do not use the water heater in an explosive or corrosive environment. Do 
not store gas and other volatile flammable liquids next to the appliance – it is 
very dangerous!
18. It is forbidden to make alterations in the design of the water heater or 
modify it.
19. Any service operations must be performed by a specialized organisation 
and qualified specialists. Improper installation may cause voiding of guarantee 
20. The water heater is not intended for use by children and persons with 
reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or a lack of experience and 
knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concern-
ing use of the appliance by an individual responsible for their safety. Children 
should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
Electric water heater is used to heat cold water from water supply. Unit is 
for household use.