Cisco Cisco Clean Access 3.5

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Cisco Clean Access Manager Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 13      Administration
Admin Users
IP Address – The IP address of the admin user’s machine. 
Group Name – The access privilege group of the admin user.
Login Time – The start of the admin user session.
Last Access - The last time the admin user clicked a link anywhere in the web admin console. Each 
click resets the last access time. 
“Auto-Logout Interval for Inactive Admins” -- This value is compared against the Login Time 
and Last Access time for an active admin user session. If the difference between the login time and 
last access time is greater than the auto-logout interval configured, the user is logged out. This value 
must be in the range of 1 to 120 minutes, with an interval of 20 minutes set by default.
Kick (
)— Clicking this button logs out an active admin user and removes the session from the 
active session list.