Cisco Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.1 Release Notes

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Release Notes for the Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.1.1
  Limitations and Restrictions
This limitation exists for any ITP node running the 12.2(x) IOS with SSH enabled.
INSTANCE_NUMBER on Single-Instance ITP
If a command with INSTANCE_NUMBER is included in the UserCommands.ts file, the 
instance number will appear on all nodes in the GUI. If you run this command on a node that does not 
have multi-instance enabled, it fails. 
If you have a network with both single-instance and multi-instance nodes, you must 
configure a separate set of troubleshooting commands for each node type in the UserCommands.ts file. 
Do this by grouping the commands for each type under a separate category.
Multiprocessor Multithread Vendor Exception
Sometimes when using the MWTM client on a Solaris multi-processor computer, an exception occurs 
when the topology window is open and you are manipulating views. The workaround is to close the 
topology window, then reopen it.
External SSH Client Use
If you enable the MWTM terminal proxy (mwtm termproxy) and use an external SSH terminal client 
to connect to a device, you might receive a warning message indicating a man-in-the-middle attack. This 
warning occurs because the MWTM server is operating as an SSH proxy to the device. In this scenario, 
ignore any warning messages indicating a man-in-the-middle attack. These warnings do not occur if you 
disable the MWTM terminal proxy or if you use the SSH terminal included with the MWTM.
SSH and Telnet Terminal
The SSH and Telnet terminals that are included with the MWTM provide basic terminal functionality. 
They do not support non-English character sets or the UNIX curses library (for example, colors). If 
these, or other, additional terminal functions are required, you can configure the MWTM to use an 
external SSH or Telnet program.
Tooltip Text Truncated
The Firefox 2 browser truncates tool tips that contain long text strings (see Firefox bug 218223). The 
MWTM contains only a few tool tips that exhibit this problem. The problem is resolved in Firefox 3. 
The problem does not occur when using the Internet Explorer (IE) browser.