Cisco Model D-PCG1000 PowerKEY CAS Gateway Installation Guide

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Restore the Old System Release After a DNCS Upgrade Reboot Failure 
4042225 Rev B 
Restore the Old System Release After a DNCS 
Upgrade Reboot Failure 
In rare circumstances, the DNCS upgrade may fail due to a hardware failure or some 
other issue while the software is installing as part of a reboot. The Application Server 
and/or RNCS should still be shut down to the boot prompt (ok) at this point in the 
upgrade. If the DNCS upgrade should fail during the reboots, and you have to roll 
the DNCS back to the pre-upgrade disks, you will also have to roll the Application 
Server and/or RNCS back to the pre-upgrade disks.  
Note:  Depending upon what the failure was and when it occurred, you will either 
be at a boot prompt (ok) or an Administrative prompt (#). 
Follow this procedure to restore the system software that was in place prior to an 
unsuccessful upgrade to SR 5.0. 
1  Write down the version of the system release you are trying to restore.  
2  Depending upon the prompt that is displaying, choose one of the following 
options to reset the boot device to the old system release. 
If you are at the boot prompt (ok), type the following command and press 
setenv boot-device disk:a
If you are at the Administrative prompt (#), type the following command 
and press Enter
eeprom boot-device=disk:a
3  Depending upon the prompt that is displaying, choose one of the following 
options to boot/reboot the system. 
If you are at the boot prompt (ok), type the following command and press 
If you are at the Administrative prompt (#), type the following command 
and press Enter
shutdown –y –g0 –i6
4  Complete the Attach Mirrors (on page 116) procedure. 
5  Repeat steps 2 and 3 for any Application Server or RNCS server(s) that needs to 
be restored to the original system release.