Cisco Cisco Content Switching Module with SSL Information Guide

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create 2 twin sites.” In this way, in addition to the
savings, a system with zero risk of downtime was
developed. “The most advanced Business Continuity
techniques guarantee a switch between 2 sites in a time
always greater than zero, and often greater than 15
minutes, bearing in mind also the authorisation processes
of switching.” Those conditions were unacceptable for
an organization of the size of the FS Group. “Thanks to
the active/active system”, Barbieri continues, “there is an
inherent 'zero time' redundancy in the system because
the 2 sites are always active. In the event of a stoppage,
the network automatically transfers 100% of the traffic
to the other site”. 
The pre-existing architecture was already based on Cisco
equipment, and the new project confirmed the choice of
Cisco 6500 switches and routers. But that was not all.
The requirements for performance and scalability, as well
as the need for virtualisation of the CEDs, compelled
TSF to use new technologies such as Cisco's Application
Control Engine (ACE), the solution for applications
distribution that offers high performance with a
throughput capable of reaching 16 Gbps, multi-layer
safety and virtual partitioning functionality. “In view of
the number of users”, adds Barbieri “the architecture has
to use mechanisms to channel the traffic in an equitable
way within the Data Centres, which requires that each
DC is equipped with its own balancing equipment. In
addition to these, there are two super-balancers whose
purpose is to distribute the traffic between the 2 sites,
and that are interconnected by means of Dense
Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) on dark
fibre.” This is a really innovative and unprecedented
method of balancing between 2 Data Centres. “By
shifting the balancing logic onto the network and onto
the transport, we have excluded any problems that
appear on the network arising from the specific
configurations of the clients, bearing in mind that part of
the traffic comes from the world of the Internet.”
This was a really demanding project, that went through
various phases not lacking in complexity. The entire
process started with the updating of the network devices
of the CEDs to the new architecture, with Cisco 6500
Switches and the implementation of Cisco ACE, in order
to put the virtual CEDs of the primary site into service.
This was followed by the creation of the co-primary
CED and the putting into service of the connection
between the 2 sites in very broad band, with the
installation of Cisco ONS 15000 equipment. “Thanks to
the technology chosen,” Barbieri underlines, “the sites
communicate without any appreciable transmission
delay, as if they were situated in the same place, even
though the data travels along a good 35 km of
metropolitan fibre.” Then the tuning was carried out to
establish the balancing logic. “Cisco ACE constantly
checks the correct functioning of the applications hosted
on the two sites, simulating transactions that are very
similar to those carried out by the users. This provides a
true perception of the state of health of the systems,