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pool eliminates the waste of resources encountered when rapidly creating and destroying threads
for these types of tasks.
Table 40: Thread Pool Realtime Statistics
Realtime Statistics
The number of idle threads waiting for some work.
Idle Threads
The number of running thread pool threads currently processing some work.
Running Threads
The number of thread pool threads that will never be destroyed no matter
how long they remain idle.
Core Threads
The maximum number of thread pool threads that will ever exist
Maximum Threads
The peak number of thread pool threads ever simultaneously tasked with
some work to process.
Peak Threads Used
The following table describes Java Virtual Machine statistics.
Table 41: Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Realtime Statistics
Realtime Statistics
The greatest amount of memory used by the Java Virtual machine since startup.
The number reported is in megabytes and indicates the peak amount of memory
ever used simultaneously by this Java Virtual Machine.
Peak Memory Usage
The current number of megabytes of memory used by the Java Virtual Machine.
Current Memory Usage
The total amount of memory in megabytes available to the Java Virtual Machine.
The number reported is in megabytes and indicates the how much system memory
is available for use by the Java Virtual Machine.
Total Memory
The amount of available memory in the Java Virtual Machine. The number
reported is in megabytes and indicates how much of the current system memory
claimed by the Java Virtual Machine is not currently being used.
Available Memory
The number of threads currently in use in the Java Virtual Machine. This number
includes all of the Unified CVP standalone and thread pool threads as well as
Threads in Use
those threads created by the Web Application Server running within the same
The greatest amount of threads ever used simultaneously in the Java Virtual
Machine since startup. The peak number of threads ever used by the Java Virtual
Peak Threads in Use
Machine includes all Unified CVP standalone and thread pool threads as well as
threads created by the Web Application Server running within the same JVM.
The length of time that the Java Virtual Machine has been running. This time is
measured in hh:mm:ss and shows the amount of elapsed time since the Java
Virtual Machine process began executing.
Configuration and Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 4.1(1)
Chapter 8: - Configuring Unified CVP Logging and Event Notifications
About Event Statistics