Cisco Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 10.0(1)

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Show and Set Command Syntax
[/msoffline MediaServerMachineName]
[/asonline CallServerMachineName]
[/asoffline CallServerMachineName]
[/running] [/shutdown]
[/outofservice] [/inservice] [/gatekeeperonline]
[/gatekeeperoffline] [/allcallserversdown]
[/clearallcallserversdown] [/trace] [/help]
ShowAlarms [/?] Shows list of current alarms.
The number of seconds the H.323 Service waits for a TCP connect
to the Call Server to complete before timing out and generating an
ShowCallServerConnectTimeout [/? | /
SetCallServerConnectTimeout [<New
Value> | /? | /help]
Default: 2 seconds.
Changes to this value take effect immediately.
List of base URLs of Call Servers for the H.323 Service, delimited
by spaces and the entire list enclosed in quotes.
ShowCallServerList [/? | /help]
SetCallServerList [<List of
CallServer base URLs, delimited by
spaces> | /? | /help]
The syntax for the base URL is:
(Shorthand commands: sCSList,
<CallServer is the hostname or IP address of the machine that is
running the Call Server. (Default: localhost.)
<Port is the port number the Call Server is listening on. (Default:
/cvp/VBServlet is a fixed string that you must append to each name
in the CallServerList.
Note: A colon (:) must separate the <CallServer> and <Port> values.
In addition, you must use the default Port number and treat
“cvp/VBServlet” as a fixed string. Making changes to these value
can render a Call Server unusable.
IP Address and DNS name may be used in configuring the base URL
portion of a Call Server. However, Unified CVP cannot currently
support more than one IP address per DNS name, so you must have
a one-to-one correspondence between a DNS name and IP address
for each Call Server.
Configuration and Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 4.1(1)
Chapter 9: - Administering the Unified CVP H.323 Service
Using VBAdmin