Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal Downloads Installation Guide

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Allows the Voice Browser to start automatically
when the system reboots.
Autostart Unified CVP Voice Browser at
system startup
Ensures that the system does not restart automatically
when a Voice Browser error occurs.
No system reboot on error
Causes the Voice Browser process window to display
on the Windows system toolbar. This process
Display Unified CVP Voice Browser
process window on the system display
window may be helpful when deploying in a test
environment for initial troubleshooting.
Note:  Though present on the disk, Call Server services do not actually run unless you have
configured them to do so. The Voice Browser is part of the H.323 Service; it runs as a Windows
service. If you want to run the Voice Browser, ensure that the H323 Service options are enabled
on the Core Software Settings screen of the CVP installation program.
Operations Console Server
Enables the Cisco CVP OpsConsoleServer windows
service upon startup; this service is not enabled by
Enable Operations Console Server
Caution: If this system will contain the only Operation Console
Server in your network, override the default and enable the Cisco
CVP OpsConsoleServer windows service. Be sure not to use more
than one Operations Console Server to configure a machine, or
data corruption may result.
Choose your selections and click Next.
If you are not installing the VXML Server, proceed to Step 13. If you are installing the VXML
Server, the Application Server Selection for the VXML Server screen displays.
Step 11
If:  You want to install and deploy to Apache Tomcat (default)
Then:  Click Next
If:  You installed WebSphere prior to beginning the Unified CVP installation
Then:  Select Manually install to WebSphere and click Next.
Note: When you choose to install VXML Server to WebSphere, an informational message,
similar to the one shown below, is displayed. After the Unified CVP installation completes, you
will need to install the WAR file via WebSphere's standard web application deployment process.
Second, the Audium Home environment variable must be defined differently on WebSphere;
it must be defined as a JVM property. This can be done from within the WebSphere
administrative console, by navigating to Application Servers -> server_name -> Java and
Process Management
 -> Process Definition -> Java Virtual Machine -> Custom Properties
and adding a property. Refer to WebSphere documentation for additional details.
Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 7.0(2)
Chapter 3: Installing Unified CVP