Cisco Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 10.0(1) Installation Guide

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using its separate installer (new in Release 4.1). Refer to 
 for complete installation instructions.
Audio files deployed to CATALINA_HOME\webapps\CVP\audio will be deleted (where
CATALINA_HOME is the Tomcat installation directory). These audio files should be backed
up prior to the upgrade process.
The following steps describe the recommended upgrade path from VXML Server 4.0 to 4.1 and
CVP Studio 4.0 to Call Studio 6.0. These steps apply both to the development and production
machines that are part of your Unified CVP deployment. For machines that will not include the
VXML Server and and Call Studio components, skip this section and the next section and
proceed to 
If you are migrating from CVP 3.1, refer to the 
 section first.
Upgrading Cisco Unified CVP VXML Server
Step 1
On test and production servers, backup any third party libraries (.class or .jar files) found in the
following locations (where APP_NAME is the name of each deployed voice application):
Step 2
Run the Unified CVP 4.1 installer.
Note: On runtime systems that have CVP Studio 4.0 installed, the upgrade will uninstall CVP
Studio but retain all of its custom files. For example, all CVP Studio voice application projects
and custom libraries are retained. The CVP Studio folder is renamed to CVP4.0_VXMLStudio.
You can later retrieve the libraries and applications, to migrate them to a Call Studio installation.
Step 3
Restore any backed up third party libraries that were discovered during Step 1 to their former
locations. Note that some voice applications may include copies of these libraries as part of
their Call Studio projects, in which case they may already be present. Minimally, any libraries
backed up from %AUDIUM_HOME%/common/lib and %AUDIUM_HOME%/common/classes
should be restored as these will not have been deployed as part of any Studio projects.
Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 4.1(1)
Chapter 8: Upgrading to Unified CVP Release 4.1
Upgrading Unified CVP Software