Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal 8.0(1) Developer's Guide

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com.audium.core.vfc.form.VForm – This class is a container for all the content in a
VoiceXML page not handled by the 
 class. It is a direct mapping of the 
though it also produces other form-level tags such as 
com.audium.core.vfc.list.VList – This class is used to encapsulate a list of items that can
be deployed as either a traverse list or a streaming list. A traverse list presents a menu after
an item is presented that allows the caller to move forwards and backwards through the list.
A streaming list is one where all the items are played one after the other. This VFC class
does not reflect any VoiceXML tags, it was produced by Unified CVP to facilitate the creation
of lists within VoiceXML. The class outputs a set of forms that implement the list.
Form Items – The 
 classes encapsulate most of the content of a VoiceXML page, and
each form has any number of form items added to it. These form items span the range of
capturing input from the caller to performing a telephony transfer. Each form item has a
different purpose, though many form items share features in common. The VFCs relate the
classes that handle each form item by creating a hierarchy starting with the simplest form
items, with features common to all, to more complex form items that add features through
each successive class extension. The following figure shows this class hierarchy and a
description of each branch is listed after the figure.
Figure 16: VForm Class Hierarchy
VForm Hierarchy branches and descriptions:
Programming Guide for Cisco Unified CVP VXML Server and Cisco Unified Call Studio Release 8.0(1)
Voice Foundation Classes
VFC Classes