Cisco Cisco Computer Telephony Integration OS 8.5 Developer's Guide

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CTI OS Developer’s Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise
Release 8.5(3)
Chapter 4      Building Your Application
Building Supervisor Applications
The following diagram illustrates the flow of messages between the application and CTI OS Server when 
the supervisor application requests its team and then requests to monitor the team. Since logging in a 
supervisor is the same as logging in an agent, this diagram picks up at the first AgentStateEvent after the 
agent has logged in.
Figure 4-7
Message Flow between the Application and the CTI OS Server
The requests leading up to and including Agent.StartMonitoringAgent() is in 
CTIObject.StartMonitoringAgent(). When writing a supervisor application, the developer should call 
Agent.RequestAgentTeamList() and Agent.StartMonitoringAllAgentTeams(). The developer should call 
these methods once the supervisor has logged in. In the CTI OS Toolkit Combo Desktop, this is done 
when processing the eAgentStateEvent in the SupervisorUIManager class’ ProcessAgentStateEvent() 
method. SupervisorUIManager checks to see that the current agent is a supervisor. If so and if 
CTIObject.StartMonitoringTeams() has not already been called, CTIObject.StartMonitoringTeams() is 
called. CTIObject.StartMonitoringTeams() then calls Agent.RequestAgentTeamList() and 
If these requests are successful, the desktop begins receiving OnNewAgentTeamMember, 
OnMonitoredAgentStateChange, and MonitoredAgentInfoEvent events. The next sections describe how 
to handle each of these events.