Cisco Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(18)SXD

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Feature Overview
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)SXD
The DFP Agent Subsystem is bundled with the IOS SLB and GGSN products, it is not available 
Home Agent Director
The Home Agent Director load balances Mobile IP Registration Requests (RRQs) among a set of home 
agents (acting as real servers in a server farm). Home agents are the anchoring points for mobile nodes. 
Home agents route flows for a mobile node to its current foreign agent (point of attachment).
The Home Agent Director requires DFP in order to allocate RRQs based on capacity.
For more information about the Home Agent Director, refer to the IOS Server Load Balancing feature 
module, release 12.2(18)SXD.
For more information about Mobile IP, home agents, and related topics, refer to the Cisco IOS IP 
Configuration Guide
, Release 12.2.
The DFP agent subsystem enables client subsystems other than IOS SLB to act as DFP agents, sending 
weights to a DFP manager.
The DFP agent subsystem has the following restrictions:
The DFP agent requires a delay between hello messages of at least 3 seconds. Therefore, if your DFP 
manager provides a timeout specification, you must set the timeout to at least 3 seconds.
The password specified in the DFP manager must match the password specified on the password 
command in the DFP agent.
As part of the implementation of the DFP agent subsystem, the manager (DFP agent) command 
has been removed. Its function is now provided by the ip dfp agent global configuration command, 
and by the following DFP agent configuration commands:
inservice (DFP agent)
interval (DFP agent)
password (DFP agent)
port (DFP agent)
Related Features and Technologies
IOS Server Load Balancing (IOS SLB)
Dynamic Feedback Protocol (DFP)
Mobile IP