Cisco Cisco 2000 Series Wireless LAN Controller Technical Manual

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firmware, the AP falls back to the primary controller whenever it comes online. If you have an AP fallback
issue, upgrade your controller firmware to the latest available code.
Note:  When a brand new LWAPP AP1242 first connects to a WLC2006 or WLC4400 that runs firmware, the secondary controller name (i.e. "WIRELESS"−>"Detail") in GUI is not blank. The show AP
config general
 command also shows that the secondary controller name is not blank. This has been reported
in Cisco bug id CSCse30514. Although there is not a workaround, this behavior is not present in the 4.0
software release.
Note: When you run 5.2 code or later on WLCs and set up AP High Availability, if the global 802.11g
configuration between the controllers does not match (enable vs. disabled), this can cause AP join issues when
a failover event occurs. Make sure that all WLC settings are identical between primary/secondary/tertiary
For random load balancing, none of the primary/secondary/tertiary controllers need to be configured.
However, all of the controllers that you want the AP to load balance across must be defined in DHCP option
43 or DNS.
If you want to ensure perfect load balancing every time, Cisco recommends that you manually configure the
primary controller on the AP and leave the other two controllers blank. As long as the primary controller is up
and functional, and the mobility group is defined across any controller that the AP can join, the AP tries to
join the primary controller whenever it is up and operational.
If you want the AP to fall back to a secondary controller at the remote site before you try another controller
across the WAN, all 3 controllers need to be defined in the DHCP option 43 or DNS. However, only define
the primary and secondary controllers on the APs at the remote site.
If the WAN controller is not defined in the DHCP option 43 or DNS, the AP only failsover to it if the WAN
controller is in the mobility group of the currently joined controller and if the local controllers then go down.
If the AP reboots, it does not join the WAN controller, except if the last controller it joined was the WAN
controller, until one of the DHCP option 43 or DNS controllers is available to tell the AP about mobility
group members.
Note: The controller name in the AP configuration is case sensitive. Therefore, make sure to configure the
exact system name on the AP configuration. Failure to do this results in the AP fallback not working.
Ensure that these configuration parameters are correctly configured:
AP fallback must be Enabled on all WLCs. You can verify this on the Controller GUI page.
Before WLC versions, only controller system names could be entered in the AP
Primary/Secondary/Tertiary Controller name fields. Now the IP addresses of the controller
management interface can be used as well.
AP failover and fallback require controllers to be configured in the same mobility group.
Use the CLI mping command in order to verify mobility group membership communication. Use the
show mobility summary command in order to display a controller's mobility group configuration
Controllers configured in the Mobility Group
 MAC Address        IP Address       Group Name    Status
 00:0b:85:44:36:e0   Wireless     Up
 00:1f:9e:9b:08:20  Wireless     Control Path Down