Cisco Cisco NAC Appliance 4.9.5 Information Guide

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This document addresses the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to Cisco Clean Access Manager.
This document is part two of a two−set documentation. Refer to Cisco Clean Access Manager FAQ for part
The product names have changed. This table lists both the old and new names:
Old Name
New Name
Clean Access Manager
SecureSmart Server
Clean Access Server
Clean Access Agent
Clean Access APIs
Refer to Cisco Technical Tips Conventions for more information on document conventions.
Q. I would like to change the initial web page that comes up when I first
try to access a web site before I am logged into Cisco. How do I do this?
A. The initial page that appears states, "You are being redirected to the network
authentication page." This page is currently not editable because it is a CGI script. In
addition, the page is shown only a couple of seconds. Users are not able to read extended text
display beyond the two lines.
Q. When the number of entries in the event logs passes the number
configured in the Cisco Clean Access Manager, are the entries removed
from the database, or does the GUI only show the number specified?
A. The event log threshold is the number of events that are stored in the database. The
maximum number of log events kept on the server, by default, is 100,000. The event log
threshold must be smaller than 200,000. The event log is a circular log. The oldest entries are
over−written when the log passes the threshold.
Q. When you try to upgrade NAC with 4.6.1 to 4.7.1 version, it is possible
that you get the 
PCI: BIOS Bug: MCFG area at e0000000 is not
E820−reserved PCI: Not using MMCONFIG
 error message. Why does
this error occur and how can this be resolved?
A. This error occurs if you upgrade through monitor/keyboard and not through console port.
Q. I see the "500 Internal Server Error" message when the primary
(active) Cisco Clean Access Manager fails over to the standby (inactive)
manager. The manager GUI never displays. How do I fix this?
A. Check /etc/ha.d/perfigo.conf to ensure that the peerhostname and ha_serial are correctly