Cisco Cisco Prime Service Catalog 10.0 Release Notes

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Cisco Systems, Inc.
Cisco Prime Service Catalog 10.0 Release Notes
January 8, 2014
Cisco Prime Service Catalog is a self-service portal that enables users to order new IT services or modify 
existing services while ensuring compliance with defined IT policies and governance. It also allows 
organizations to encourage adoption of standardized services and implement lifecycle management with 
governance across internal services such as private cloud services and external services. The inherent 
tracking capabilities enable pay-per-use metering, whether implementing simple “showback” or a more 
complex chargeback approach.
Cisco Prime Service Catalog is the solution for implementing IT as a Service (ITaaS). It is offered either 
as a standalone product or integrated with the Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud solution to 
provide cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and cloud orchestration services.