Cisco Cisco Virtual Managed Services 1.02 Troubleshooting Guide

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5. Network Services Orchestrator (NSO)
5.7 Upgrade
The  NSO  package  installation  and  upgrade  are  performed  using  Ansible  scripts  that  ship  with  the  NSO
software  package.  NSO  system  installation  is  located  in 
  directory,  where 
represents  a  symbolic  link,  pointing  to  the  currently  installed  software  package  directory,  as  shown  in  the
following output.
 ubuntu@ncs-vm:~$ ls -la /opt/ncs/current
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 Nov 26 11:18 /opt/ncs/current -> ncs- 
NSO Upgrade Procedure
1. Download of required NSO Package and unpacking
In order to upgrade the current NSO system, download the required NSO package to the 
 directory on
the NSO VM, and use tar to unpack the archive:
 tar -xvf NCS-2.0-2015-10-05-59.tar 
2. Unpacking cvpn.tgz archive in new NSO Package
Change directory in the new "NSC-x.x..." directory and unpack the 
 archive again, moving into the
newly created directory:
 cd NCS-2.0-2015-10-05-59
 tar -zxvf cvpn.tgz
 cd cvpn-rel-2015-10-05-01-15 
3. Setting up Ansible environment variables
Set the "NCS_ANSIBLE" environment variable to this current directory:
 export NCS_ANSIBLE=`pwd`/ansible
4. NSO Core Patch Upgrade (Optional)
Upgrading of the NSO covers two components; the core NSO binary and any patches, and the NSO function
packs themselves. Before proceeding with the following upgrade steps, please refer to the release notes to
determine if there are any patches to the core NSO software.