Cisco Cisco Virtual Managed Services 1.02 Troubleshooting Guide

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4. Portal, Identity Management and Service Assurance
4.3 Service Provider Operations
The Portal, SA and IDM components are made up of several different VMs and containers. Instead of exposing
all hosts to the public Internet, the Inception VM is used as the jumphost to access CF and all microservices.
Connecting to CF VMs Using Bosh SSH
 ubuntu@vms-inception-p0:~$ sudo su -
 root@vms-inception-p0:/home/ubuntu# bosh ssh
1. nfs/0
2. cloud_controller/0
3. loggregator/0
4. loggregator_trafficcontroller/0
5. api_worker/0
6. dea-spare/0
7. dea-spare/1
8. router/0
9. router/1
10. haproxy/0
11. cassandra_seed/0
12. cassandra/0
13. redis/0
14. zookeeper/0
15. zookeeper/1
16. zookeeper/2
17. kafka/0
18. kafka/1
19. kafka/2
 Choose an instance: 12
 Acting as user 'admin' on deployment 'cf-p0' on 'Symphony_VMSaaS_P0B'
 Enter password (use it to sudo on remote host): /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-
p551/gems/highline-1.6.21/lib/highline/system_extensions.rb:210: warning: Insecure world 
writable dir /opt/cisco/vms-installer/tools in PATH, mode 040777
The  admin  password  can  be  found  in
next  to  the
COMMON_PASSWORD keyword. After login in, execute 
sudo su -i 
to gain root privileges.