Cisco Cisco Broadband Access Center Telco Wireless 3.9 Release Notes

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Cisco Broadband Access Center 3.9 Release Notes
  New Features in Cisco BAC 3.9
Security Hardening
This release of Cisco BAC provides strict password rules to enhance security. The new rules apply to the 
Administrator User Interface login and the user management.
The password rules are enhanced with the following changes:
Password length should be between 8 and 127 characters
The password must include at least one special character, one numeric character, one alphabet in 
uppercase, and one alphabet in lower case. BAC supports the five special characters (*,@#
While changing the password, the new password should not contain a similar pattern (three 
consecutive characters) as with the previous password.
Subgroup Support for CIG
This release of Cisco BAC supports subgroup under a group. The subgroup can be associated with an 
Anchor AP for supporting Chained Intra Grid (CIG). 
Whenever BAC receives boot notification from an AP, and if it is the first one to complete Location 
Verification, it is qualified as Anchor AP. The details of this Anchor AP is updated on both subgroup and 
the group where it belongs.
For supporting this feature, the property FC-CIG-GROUP-TYPE is enhanced to support 
comma-separated values, and a new property FC-PARENT is introduced to specify the parent group of 
subgroup. The subgroup and parent group can be of different group types.
AP Tamper Detection and Reset
AP can be tampered and cleared on individual AP level
AP can be tampered and cleared on Chassis level.
AP can be tampered and cleared on individual level
When the AP is found to be tampered, it is marked as tampered. While the AP is booted, the DPE finds 
that the AP is tampered and is avoided for further initialization with DPE. To reset the device, the 
operator needs to manually reset the device by visiting the location.
By using the tamper detection and reset functionality, the operator can clear the tamper flag of the device 
from remote location.